The self-administered questionnaires with interviewer's assistance (French)

Date of publication: October 1, 1973


Author: Hugues Jacquart


The self-administered questionnaire in which the interviewee fills-in himself the questionnaire with the interviewer's assistance, is one of the various methods of data-collection in sample-surveys. In order to situate the self-administered questionnaire's applications, we will briefly recall the main data-collection methods which may be divided in two major classes.

Hugues Jacquart


This is a long description of some author details.

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Motivation research in practice co-ordinated with marketing research (French) Authors: Börje Lindberg
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Research into consumer behaviour and its motivation (French) Authors: George Gallup, Paul Lyness, Börje Lindberg, Alfred Denner, Graeme Cranch, Jean Stoetzel
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