Advertising and marketing research (French)

Date of publication: June 15, 1956


Nowadays, it has become a trivial matter to note that the techniques of market studies have historically their first development. In the search by the industrials for a better profitability of their public expenditure. In the many studies which continue to be carried out in many countries of the world to determine the type of problem in which a technique for the study of markets is being carried out, advertising is still in good rank. The amounts spent by industrial and commercial companies in advertising are such that they can easily support the implementation, often expensive, of techniques likely to greatly increase their efficiency. It is not certain, however, that this close connection of advertising as such and of market research techniques has helped to make it clear to the industrialists that good publicity is impossible outside the systematic study of technology. The distribution process in which it has been developed has essentially helped, and this is not insignificant, to understand that techniques existed which allowed the approach of a problem of advertising with precision, equal (or which tended to become), to that which they required of their services in the approach of a financial, administrative or production problem. These techniques have, most of the time, and put at the service of problems spatially advertised, and have served too rarely to highlight the relationship between an advertising effort and the overall effort of distributing a product.

Philippe De Vendeuvre


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