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Research papers

Agile Elephants

An intelligent data platform enables a city to break down data silos and organise its data coherently. Once the data has been coherently integrated, it leverages the power and potential of big data for multiple applications. Moreover, the integral...

Catalogue: Latin America 2024
Authors: Patricio Pagani, Melisa Breda
Companies: The Black Puma, Buenos Aires City Government
April 24, 2024

Research papers

Insights 24/7

How can we know in real-time what consumers want?It is necessary to stop resisting change, to go with new contexts and forms of communication by transforming research methodologies into a 24/7 look.

Catalogue: Latin America 2020 - Insights Festival
Authors: Damián Suárez, Sebastián Silva
Companies: Givaudan, Mega Research
October 19, 2020

Research papers

Fusion Forward

Reduced cost by 30%, increased impact and scope by 200% while working in a market undergoing huge foundational change.

Catalogue: Fusion 2019
Author: Barry Jennings
Company: Microsoft
November 10, 2019

Research papers

Qualitative fast track

Learn how to improve time, cost and relevance on research for/with corporate clients.

Catalogue: Fusion 2019
Authors: Jose Antonio Noriega, Mark Montgomery
Companies: Möbius, CITIBANAMEX
November 10, 2019

Research papers

UX research in a developing country

Research complex banking themes within a financially impaired culture. Can UX research help both business and users to achieve understanding and build a relationship? We wanted to provide an easy to use, simple and intuitive digital channel to low...

Catalogue: Fusion 2018 (Big Data World + Global Qualitative)
Authors: Camila Borja, Luciano Lauri Pires
November 11, 2018

Research papers

Human plus digital equals agile and accurate

This paper is about taking a holistic approach to online communities and developing a mindset that obsessively focuses on the client end-game, rather than any fixed methodology. We explore what makes an effective online community; highlighting what...

Catalogue: Fusion 2018 (Big Data World + Global Qualitative)
Authors: Philip Morrison, Alex Johnston
Company: Jigsaw Research
November 11, 2018

Research papers

We have seen the future...

Bots are taking over moderation and analysis, snappy chat conversations are the new preferred communication mode by consumers and research will happen in the consumer context. Join us in journey together with Heineken and get a glimpse on the future.

Catalogue: Global Qualitative 2017: Back to the future
Authors: Annelies Verhaeghe, Remus Tomoiaga, Marlon Rinoza Plazo, Sophie Van Neck
Company: InSites Consulting
October 23, 2017

Research papers

User experience: Testing in the digital age

The digital revolution transforms working processes at research buyers introducing principles such as SCRUM and other agile project management techniques. We show what has changed already with our clients and why and how the research industry has to...

Catalogue: Congress 2016: #WOW
Authors: Sebastian Schmidt, Till Winkler
Company: SKOPOS
September 22, 2016

Research papers

Stay AGILE or?

Agile methodology is based on iterative and incremental development. The requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between teams that are self-organising and cross-functional, involving all stakeholders. The agile market research...

Catalogue: Asia Pacific 2016: Get Connected!
Author: Pravin Shekar
May 19, 2016