UX research in a developing country

Date of publication: November 11, 2018


Research complex banking themes within a financially impaired culture. Can UX research help both business and users to achieve understanding and build a relationship? We wanted to provide an easy to use, simple and intuitive digital channel to low income prospect clients, in order to increase our client base. The challenge was taken and lead by an internal team of UX designers, sponsored by the business area in charge for the digital channels. People with low income may be more reluctant and suspicious about using Itau's digital channels for banking. Reluctance may come from unfamiliarity with technology and lack of affinity with the brand. A Design Thinking approach was used to guide the project throughout five major phases: exploration, synthesis, ideation, prototyping and testing.

Camila Borja


This is a long description of some author details.

Luciano Lauri Pires


This is a long description of some author details.

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