Asking smarter questions

Date of publication: March 16, 2003

Author: Philip Wolf


This paper reviews those processes that were particularly successful in developing a broader strategic role for research in product design. Along the way, the authors succeeded in getting more from respondents, which resulted in more meaningful results for manufacturing/production departments as well as for the fragrance and flavor experts. Although respondents have no expertise in fragrances, they know what they like; getting responses that are meaningful and accurate depends on first knowing what's important from a product design point of view and then presenting alternatives to the target market in a way that provides guidance in product design.Only experts can identify the interrelationships of fragrance and signature design, but it takes the consumer to identify which combinations have the most appeal. Building the fragrance structure internally also saves a lot of consumer research design time and research dollars and also gets you to the core values and actionable results faster.

Philip Wolf


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