Methods of quantification in motivation research (German)

Author: Peter Smolensky


The recognition of those motives, which, arising from the unconscious or subconscious, become motivations for a certain irrational or "illogical” attitude, is not sufficient for the planning of advertising or sales campaigns, nor even for the creation of good public relations. In practice it will be possible to base only policies on motives and motivations which at least show up in qualified minorities (if not majorities). Therefore it seems unavoidably necessary to quantify findings resulting from motivation research. In other words, it is essential to check their "weight". This can be done by serial tests carried out by trained qualified interviewers. Though these tests are, of course, in a simplified form, they are psychologically acceptable, and their results can be judged objectively (without the need of complicated "interpretation"). Long experience of GfM has shown that especially Personality Qualifying (illustrated semantic Differential-Test); Sentence Completion Tests; Polarity Profiles; Projective Tests and Statement Tests are suitable to bring out motives, motivations and images among larger numbers of interviewees.

Peter Smolensky


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