Eco-anxiety is ?a chronic fear of environmental doom? (APA, 2017). It comes with ?feelings of loss, helplessness, frustration and guilt, as the sufferers feel they are unable to stop climate change?. Eco-anxiety has been on the rise for the past decade, and is particularly prevalent in younger people. Those affected by eco-anxiety can be less likely to engage in positive climate action, as they feel too overwhelmed to act. In recognition of this psychological barrier to environmental action E.ON Next, an energy provider, devised #PoweredUpForChange. A future-facing brand campaign that sought to directly address eco-anxiety in Gen Z by providing the tools to nurture healthy minds, and empower young people to take positive action towards environmental goals
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Power Up For Change!
Catalogue: Congress 2023
Authors: Kelly McKnight, Adele James, Kimberley Howard, Emma Webster
September 27, 2023
Power Up For Change!
Catalogue: Congress 2023
Authors: Kelly McKnight, Adele James, Kimberley Howard, Emma Webster
Companies: , E.ON Next, Verve
September 27, 2023
Research Papers
Change for the future
Catalogue: Seminar 1992: Banking And Insurance- Pressure On Profits, Pressure On Research
Authors: Eric Salama, Peter Mills
June 15, 1992