Pre-testing with rough prototype commercials

Date of publication: June 15, 1983


Pre-testing with rough prototype commercials is now an established procedure for U.S. advertisers and agencies. Rough prototypes, of the animatic artwork, still photo or live action "rough cut" variety can be inexpensively produced and evaluated for their effectiveness in gaining awareness, communicating and persuading, long before the major investment is made in finished production of an on-air quality commercial. Economic, psychological, and creative benefits to the rough pre-test are substantial. While nowadays, on average it costs $80,000 to produce a finished commercial, a good quality, testable rough prototype can be created for only $4,000. The economic benefits of rough pre-testing are immediately apparent when one compares the cost of producing and testing six finished commercials to that of producing and testing six prototypes, from which the strongest can then be selected for finished production.

Harold M. Spielman


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