Silence behind the mirror

Date of publication: November 5, 2003

Companies: Unilever,


These two presenters are probably among those very few who can allow themselves to converse openly about the efficacy of using research and, in particular, qualitative research by clients. The reason is the 12-year-old unbroken partnership of the two companies: Unilever as a client and Research International in Hungary as a research agency. The long-term co-operation and the hundreds of projects conducted led both parties to realise that the power of qualitative research could be much more fully exploited than it usually is. This understanding made us design the training program called 'Silence behind the Mirror'. The program aims to support users of qualitative research in order to obtain better value from those hours spent behind the mirror and in backrooms and be more sensitive to qualitative information. The program was conducted on the first two groups of marketing managers. This presentation describes the creation, the procedure and the follow up of the entire program.

Marta Hoffmann


This is a long description of some author details.

Gábor Lajtos


This is a long description of some author details.

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