The joy of research

Date of publication: June 15, 2016

Catalogue: Congress 2016: #WOW


Global brands are increasingly facing the challenge of gaining relevance in local cultures. While a ‘glocal’ approach seems the natural way to go, in reality, mapping local regions and developing a strategic approach for each while maintaining a unified brand essence is seldom easy. In this joint presentation between Unilever and De la Riva Group, we'll share the two major breakthroughs of our project Ethno-Food Truck, a culinary roadtrip across Mexico to understand regional differences in food culture. We will look into the relation between information quality and recruitment technique: how a more organic approach to participants’ promotes more profound answers; and the advantages of allowing our clients real-time access to the results so as to favour results application over mere exhibition.

Adelina Vaca


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Leticia Chárraga


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