Word of mouth and media (German)


This paper discusses a point of view often overlooked: The importance of being - as an advertiser - talked about. The most successful of advertising executives are sometimes Irked when research people come up with survey results Indicating what really made consumers change their mind, what made them try a new brand or alter their behaviour patterns. Was the change a result of advertising? Most of the respondents state that "other persons" (neighbours, friends, colleagues) had made them convert. As so-called "opinion leaders", "influentials" or, in German "Melnungsbildner" and "Leithammel " (DOMIZLAFF). have these • "other persons".gained a certain re-known as a subject for research as well as an argument in space selling. Let us investigate this phenomenon briefly.

Berend H. Feddersen


This is a long description of some author details.

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