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Research reports

Qualitative research on Aero advertising 'Bubble word play'

Two new commercials have been produced in scriptform for advertising Aero, both using the word'Bubble' in a wordplay, 'Courtroom' and 'Train'. The research was required to investigate consumerreactions tothe wordplay approach and to individual...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
June 1, 1979

Research reports

Qualitative research on animatics for Oxo advertising

The 'Only Oxo Does It' campaign has run on TV sinceFebruary 1978.Although. this current campaign appears to beperforming well, there is obviously a need forlonger-term development in order to refresh theOxo proposition. As far as the TV campaign...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
June 1, 1979

Research reports

Watneys pale and brown pack label research

Watneys are undertaking a major review of theirimage, which is including the introduction ofnew beers, redesign of the Watney symbol, cowls, James Watney advertising. Part of this is thedesign of new labels for Watney Pale andWatney Brown.A new...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
June 1, 1979

Research reports

Qualitative research into alternative Aquafresh positioning

The positioning and communication of Aquafresh inthe UK market is currently being re-examined tofind ways of improving the brand's performance.Due to the success of the brand in some overseasmarkets on different advertising platforms, it wasdecided...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
June 1, 1979

Research reports

Rolo advertising research

A new commercial 'Cinema' has been produced forRolo. This research was designed to assess the reactions ofthe target audience to the advertising 'Cinema' covering specifically:1. Does the film communicate that Rolo is funand affectionate, for sharing...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
June 1, 1979

Research reports

Qualitative research into United Biscuits basket bag snack

United Biscuits Ltd, in conjunction with SaatchiSaatchi Garland Compton Ltd., are progressingthe development of a bag snack based on a latticeconfiguration.Qualitative research was therefore required inorder to:1. Determine how the product is...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
June 1, 1979

Research reports

Consumer activities towards the flamboro and competitive models

The objective of the research was to obtainconsumer reaction to the current version ofFlarnboro, both in its own right and in relationto three competitive cookers.

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
June 1, 1979

Research reports

James Watney campaign research into revised commercials

Following the initial research into the proposed James Watney corporate campaign (/May 1979), the scripts were revised and three new commercialsproduced. The objectives of this research wereto evaluate these new commercials, against thecriteria...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
June 1, 1979

Research reports

London Transport motivational research into passenger need and attitudes

During the past year (1978/79), a series ofstudies have been conducted into passenger needs and attitudes, covering bus travel, tube travel, ticketing advertising, and brochures and London Transport Corporate entity. A substantial body of...

Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
June 1, 1979