The walking Z

Date of publication: June 15, 2016

Company: AB InBev


Every generation writes their own story. Up-close and personal with GenerationZ! Winning young consumers when they have reached legal drinking age is of highest priority for AB-InBev. In order to predict what the future of marketing could look like, we need to dig deeper in understanding what characterises these new consumers and translate these into insights worth embracing, starting today! We developed a multimedia documentary to convey GenZ's reality, identity and lifestyle. Its plot consists of tailored episodes told by GenZers and spread throughout the paper. Heart-felt, directly-acquired information close to reality is more powerful, charismatic and engaging. Who knows and tells better than GenZ itself how to tell the most thrilling lessons from their experience?

Marco Gruhn


This is a long description of some author details.

Kerstin Klaer


This is a long description of some author details.

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