A procedure of establishing the educational needs in marketing implemented at the PMDI

Date of publication: June 1, 1976


The paper presents a procedure of establishing the educational needs of marketing, implemented at the Polish Management Development Institute, while preparing and running a series of the tailor-made seminars for the top managers of the Polish industrial organisations. Apart from the other tasks, the Institute is responsible for preparing and running a cyclical process of management development for the senior managers of the branch unions of the Polish industrial enterprises. One of the topics covered by the process is marketing. A success in management development depends mostly on a close suitability to the needs of its participants. Since marketing is still a subject to a continuous worldwide dispute, preparing and running a successful venture in this field is rather difficult. In a case described, a series of the tailor-made seminars had been determined as the best way to suit to the specific needs of the top managers of the Polish branch unions from several industries.

Antoni S. Myszewski


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