A study of workers participation in self-government in Zagreb industry

Date of publication: June 15, 1968

Author: Fedor Rocco


Workers' management is a form of socialist democracy developed and practised in Yugoslavia. It is a system which enables all people employed in the economy to effectively run their enterprises. Workers' management should therefore be treated first of all as a part of the economic system proper but also as an important link in the entire social system in Yugoslavia. The study of the problems that necessarily appear in any system is indispensable if optimum development solutions are to be found. The present study - although it deals with only one branch of the economy (industry) and only one city (Zagreb) - may yield data of wider interest, in view of the specific features of the social and economic system within which it has been made and in view of the methodological approach chosen. It is the aim of this paper to describe the circumstances in which the study was made, to outline the approach used, and to present findings that may prove useful to anyone embarking on, or directing, a similar project in the future.

Fedor Rocco


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