Après nous le déluge?

Date of publication: September 10, 2014


The drumbeat of "change" in market research is everywhere. Wherever you look, whatever conference you attend and whatever you read, the message is the same: Change is here; change is real; and it is going to affect you and your business’. Often, this leads to the question "What does this mean for talent?", which is frequently misinterpreted to mean "What type of new talent do we need and how do we train them?". But what if it's not about us searching for new talent, but new talent ?nding us? And what if it's not about us training them, but them training us? Ask yourself this: why did over 200 new entrepreneurs enter the research and analytics space in 2012 alone? Here we explore the research talent of the future and what that implies for research itself.

Simon Chadwick


This is a long description of some author details.

Reg Baker


This is a long description of some author details.

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