This lecture is about successful retailers, we can also speak of lesser successful retailers. GfK has chosen to research diverse structures in the electrical retail trade to make a difference between successful and less successful valid. The best criterium is of course "profit". Because this aspect is difficult to define objectively GfK used the term "sales-development" as an important criterium: Successful : Growth-rate in sales 1987 vs. 1986 above the average . Less successful : Growth-rate in sales 1987 vs. 1986 below the average. We managed to interview over 1000 electrical retailers with a total average growth-rate of 8%. This criterium (growth-rate) gives us the possibility to present the first figures: -39% successful retailers -61% less successful retailers. You probably expected a 50/50 split up. These first facts show us that the successful retailers score a growth-rate that was more above the average than that the less successful-growth rate was below the average. We now come to the presentation of diverse aspects that can be seen as the key-facts of becoming a successful retailer.