This paper provides a comprehensive description and definition of the eBusiness landscape, how it affects healthcare, and opportunities created in the health industry and specifically in diabetes care. Marketing and sales managers are bombarded with hype about eCommerce, but much of the information is either too technical or presented by enthusiasts with a vested interest. The Internet is indeed not only a great opportunity as a new sales channel, but also contributes to improving the overall effectiveness of marketing communications, sales processing and customer service. Unfortunately, it can also be a way of wasting a lot of money. While one cannot ignore the potential of the Internet to add value to your companyâs sales and marketing activities, at the same time it would be unwise to expect eMarketing to be a panacea to cure a faltering marketing or sales strategy. The question is how to separate the hype from the real issue and how eBusiness can fit into the overall strategy of the companyâs marketing and sales strategy.