Extracting consumer insights from search engine queries


We can learn from people’s search (engine) behavior patterns. Indeed, by analyzing what Internet users look for in search engines, it is possible to understand the way they verbalize their needs, fears or emotions towards specific products or brands. By manipulating very large databases of search queries, it is possible to discover major trends but also weak signals (projective aspect). This approach can be conducted internationally in a very short timeframe and with few material constraints. One key advantage to this methodology is that it brings objective, scientific, data-based answers to a very large spectrum of market research questions that classical methodologies fail to cover. It will make it possible to identify and predict consumer trends.

Walther Oettgen


This is a long description of some author details.

Nicolas Chollet


This is a long description of some author details.

Benjamin Saulnier


This is a long description of some author details.

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