Future-proofing a tracking study in Japan

Date of publication: June 15, 2016



Research should always be about putting the consumer at the centre of our thinking. Considering an acceleration of mobile platforms, now is the time to focus on developing "device-agnostic". In alliance with Ipsos global/local experts, we challenged ourselves to design a "device-agnostic" interface for our tracking study. The main focus was to uncover how small screens impact our survey and prepare for the ever-increasing number of people accessing surveys via smartphones. As Japan is within the top 10 markets for Coca-Cola, the challenge was to remain globally aligned but locally executable. We jointly invested a pilot run for prototype interfaces offering a positive experience to those on smartphones. The question was never "could we do multi-device" but "how to reflect the reality that was already around us".

Makoto Moriguchi


This is a long description of some author details.

Daniel Welch


This is a long description of some author details.

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