Getting close to youth

Date of publication: November 18, 2014


Based on new qualitative research, workshops and Viacom insights from 10 West, North and Central European markets, discover the five key themes in the lives of Millennials and how to use them both in marketing and in market research approaches. Is your business and research approach Gen Y proof? This paper aims at explaining the key themes in lives of Millennials and how these are represented in the VMN brands and content. Based in the insights, we elaborate on how these five themes are the source of some important Gen Y consumer trends happening today,

Joeri Van den Bergh


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Anneleen Boullart


This is a long description of some author details.

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This is a long description of some author details.

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This is a long description of some author details.

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Research Papers

Research Papers

Youth tales

Catalogue: Qualitative 2006

Authors: Maslina Mokhtar, Avijit Das


October 8, 2006

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