How to create customer preference

Date of publication: May 1, 1996


The present paper attempts to answer the question of how to create consumer preference in the retail bank sector. The question of creating consumer preference has become increasingly relevant as retail banks grow more and more remote from the consumers. Banks may be well- established as companies, but the consumer no longer perceives of any difference between the service they provide. Some banks, however, have succeeded in creating a unique image in the consumer’s eyes - a reason to choose to bank specifically with them. All of them have done this either through offering a truly different service, or through standing for something truly different that the consumer could relate to. Too much difference, however, may be jeopardising the level of trust the bank is built upon. It is assumed that it is esteem rather than differentiation that constitutes the cost of entry to the bank sector, whilst it is the point of difference that creates the consumer preference.

Jim Williams


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Marianne Mollmann


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Philippe Boutié


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