Marketing research is perhaps 50 years old. But almost all the pre-war surveys were concerned with domestic consumers and not with industrial customers. Although there is little doubt that some research inquiries into industrial markets were undertaken in Britain before 1939, it cannot really he said that industrial marketing research as a separate management tool emerged anywhere in Europe until after the 1939-45 war. The development of industrial marketing research in Europe can he viewed at three levels; the individual firm, the agency and government.
This could also be of interest:
Research Papers
Industrial data and new trends in industrial marketing research
Catalogue: Seminar 1969: Research In Industrial Marketing
Authors: Louise Perruche, P. Rouge, Mario Miraglia, Herbert Geiger, Iginio Lagioni
March 5, 1969
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WWW and international industrial marketing research
Catalogue: ESOMAR Congress 2000: The Impact Of Networking
Author: Stefan Binner
Company: bms marketing research + strategy
September 1, 2000
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Some psychological aspects in industrial marketing
Catalogue: Seminar 1969: Research In Industrial Marketing
Authors: Roberto Woynar, N. Gower, Iginio Lagioni
March 5, 1969