Innovation and integration

Date of publication: July 1, 1995


The paper aims to describe how the BBC's Broadcasting Research Department sets about meeting the research needs of the Corporation's five national radio stations. Examples are used to illustrate how we are addressing two key strategic objectives which are: - Improving the quality of information management - in particular the quality of the regular information disseminated; Increasing the usefulness of our research. (An aim shared, of course, with researchers industry wide). The first example focuses on the automation of low level tasks. A project is described in which trends for each radio station and competing stations are graphed automatically . In all, over 1000 indiviudal graphs are now being updated automatically. This has had a radical impact on the work of the team - we have much more basic information readily to hand; which allows researchers to focus on the more important research issues. One aspect of the second objective is to exploit existing data sources to the full, rather than simply collecting more data. This means that ad hoc research, when it is conducted, is far more focused. The second illustrative example describes a project which used several different data sources to look at a research problem.

Penny Young


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