My belief in interviewer selection and training in the simplest terms t we spend a lot of time in studying the problem before we embark on a survey s we take a lot of trouble over sample design and over preparing and testing a questionnaire! we spend a lot of time on coding and editing the completed questionnaires, analysing them and preparing the tables and sometimes we write a report that is more than 200 pages long: all this work might be valueless if we had not also made sure that the interviewing on which it was based had been properly done.
This could also be of interest:
Research Papers
Selection and training of interviewers
Catalogue: ESOMAR/WAPOR Congress 1969
Author: Joan Macfarlane Smith
June 15, 1969
Research Papers
The case of a centralized interviewer organisation
Catalogue: ESOMAR Conference 1962: Research Into Certain Advertising Problems
Author: Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann
June 15, 1962
Research Papers
Interviewer guidance, supervision and control
Catalogue: Seminar 1973: Fieldwork, Sampling And Questionnaire Design
Author: Uwe Bliesch
Company: Infratest dimap Gesellschaft fur Trend- und Wahlforschung mbH
October 1, 1973