Is shopping cultured?

Date of publication: June 15, 2017



What goes through your mind when you make a shopping decision? What do you think about? How do you decide? How does this vary when you buy different things? How do different people think? This is the question that Lightspeed and Netquest explored and answered at the ESOMAR LATAM Conference. A multi-country study exploring shopping decision-making across category and culture invited 7000 consumers across 7 different countries to talk about how they make shopping deskins. This data was then analysed and over 300,000 open-ended comments were classified in a unique experiment to map out the international language of shopping. From South America to North America, from Asia to Europe; we looked to shed some light on the culture of shopping. Join this event to learn from the findings.

Joaquim Bretcha


This is a long description of some author details.

Alexander Wheatley


This is a long description of some author details.

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Is shopping cultured?

Catalogue: Webinars 2017

Author: Alexander Wheatley

Company: Kantar

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