Itau Digital iLab: Combining Digital Platforms with Design Methods

Date of publication: September 23, 2022


Daily life is now unimaginable without smart devices. Smartphones, for instance, work as extensions of a person, as predicted by Marshall McLuhan (1966- 1994) in his book Understanding Media, which was relating to media devices in the 1960s. These devices are carried by almost everybody at all times, and banks must adapt their financial transactions and complex portfolios accordingly. This would mean becoming more accessible in a user-friendly and agile interface. Therefore, Itau-Unibanco believes in technological advances, and subsequently (as an essential feature of the brand's DNA) has a visionary focus when developing services and products that have been occurring throughout its history.

Thyago Simoes


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Adriana Rocha


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Claudia da Matta Furniel


This is a long description of some author details.

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