Market research legal issues to consider in 2017

Date of publication: January 26, 2017

Catalogue: Webinars 2017


Author: Ashlin Quirk


Researchers and MRX firms need to keep legal in mind when developing and executing online research and customer service studies. Everything from ensuring compliance with unsolicited email laws to respondent disclosures and privacy notices should be carefully considered. Does your research design, execution and communication with survey participants comply with appropriate legal guidelines? This webinar will cover a retrospective of legal considerations in 2016 and a look ahead to trends in the New Year. This webinar will address: -Capturing rich media while keeping personal data regulations top-of-mind -Understanding how IHUTs might be impacted by packaging/labelling requirements -Ensuring any research using 3rd party lists or customer databases does not run afoul of legal requirements -Legal considerations for data appends

Ashlin Quirk


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