Possibilities for use of a new multivariant analysis method

Date of publication: June 15, 1976

Author: Erich Weihs


In this report a new multivariant model is presented. In the first section a use-oriented systematic is developed. Within this systematic the multivariant technique, at present in vogue in practical research, is arranged. The new technique: Partial Typology, is identified as lying within the field of Cluster Analysis models. The systematic approach of the method identifies the differences in principle between this technique and other multivariant techniques. In contrast to other techniques two interdependent fields of variables are used to build the clusters. In the second section of the report the method of Partial Typology is presented in detail by using a case study from the field of regional research. The relationship between population mobility and community structure is investigated over six periods. The results of the investigation show the particular advantages and knowledge to be obtained from using Partial Typology. In section three the procedural realization and suitable criteria for optimization are described.

Erich Weihs


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