Qualitative research into 'Knuckles' advertising development

Date of publication: February 1, 1979


HCA Ltd., in conjunction with Evode Ltd., are currently progressing the development of a new Hand Cleaner, and have developed a campaign. Accordingly, a qualitative research program was required in order to:

1. Explore the communication of the approach, at both factual and emotive level;

2. Identify product imagery as portrayed by the approach;

3. Establish how the personality of the ' Knuckles ' character relates to the product itself, and the extent to which it adds or detracts from the image of the product;

4. Obtain an indication of the likely level of impact and memorability of the approach;

5. Explore specific positives and negatives of the approach in terms of the Voice Over, product demonstration, etc. 

CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive


This is a long description of some author details.

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