Beecham market two non-medicated or 'cosmetic' shampoo ranges, namely Silvikrin and Bristows. The Silvikrin range was relaunched in September 1976 on a platform of natural ingredients and with changes in packaging, formulation and advertising. Since relaunch Silvikrin shampoos have maintained a relatively strong position in the market. Bristow shampoo was last relaunched in April 1976 as Bristows Shampoo and Polymer Conditioner, on a platform featuring a selective conditioner. While the market share rose to 6% during the first six months after the relaunch, it has steadily declined since then, so that it is currently running at the same level as be fore the relaunch (2- 3%). Over the last year or two a number of other changes have been taking place in the shampoo market, including the introduction of a number of new brands, and notably the relaunch of the Sunsilk range. During this time there has been no overall qualitative appraisal of the shampoo market by Beecham with a view to examining the imagery and positioning of the various brands. It was decided to conduct such a research project in order to explore the present positioning and imagery of Bristow's and Silvikrin in relation to the other brands on the market. This research would provide information for consideration in planning medium and long-term strategies for the brands.
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Research Reports
Qualitative research into Wrights Coal Tar shampoo
Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
March 1, 1978
Research Reports
Qualitative research on Frequence shampoo
Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
December 1, 1979
Research Reports
Qualitative research on Silvikrin shampoo press campaign
Catalogue: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive Collection
Author: CRAM/Peter Cooper Archive
September 1, 1970