After this introduction the discussion followed by talking about the validity in the panel results (over-representing versus under-representing) . Are the members writing down everything? This is one of the key-problems when talking about the validity. For major acquisitions (dresses, coats, etc.) this problem is not looked upon as being very big. The main problems arrive when we come to more frequent purchases, particularly to very individual products (stockings, underwear etc.). This part of the discussion led to the final point where, it particularly from the client's side, was stressed that the panel institutes do too little in trying to evaluate the data. Their eyes are too little critical, besides the fact that their product development is not sufficient. From the institutes side it was stressed that the clients in many cases are too much price conscious, which can mean that there is too little money to improve the validity of the results, to carry out experiments etc. The panel techniques in itself have so many advantages compared to other research techniques that their market share should be higher than it is to-day.