Research in the Metaverse

Date of publication: June 20, 2022

Company: HCD Research


From computers to mobile devices, screens are embedded in our society and will continue to be one of the lenses through which consumers engage with a large portion of their lives. When people talk about the metaverse, they are generally referring to the futuristic world that both media and industry have always promised us. In this futuristic world, people interact in a virtual environment with digital representations of other people, places and experiences. However: really, we are already there. There is currently a digital revolution where digital technologies, from smart devices to the internet, are not only embedded, but quickly becoming the backbones of daily life (Poslad, 2009). We live our day-to-day lives interacting in a meta-connected world. We attend virtual meetings where we discuss ideas with colleagues from around the world. We hold a cell phone in our pocket that provides access to all the knowledge in the world. We can order groceries to be delivered via a smart speaker in our bedroom. In short, we interact with digital devices every day as the digital world is fully incorporated into our personal, professional and shopping lives. From computers to mobile devices, screens are embedded in our society and will continue to be one of the lenses through which consumers engage with a large portion of their lives. This metaverse is thus becoming more commonplace not only in how consumers interact socially, but also in terms of how they interact with brands and regarding shopping experiences. 

Michelle Niedziela


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