Semiotics of art

Date of publication: November 12, 2007

Catalogue: Qualitative 2007


Author: Luigi Toiati


There are two sides to art appreciation which nowadays involves an increasingly broad section of the population. There is the post-war model of art appreciation as a means of educating the 'masses', with enjoyment of the arts extending from a select elite to an ever-growing number of 'users'. This trend can be defined as 'educational dissemination' and has existed, albeit in different forms, in totalitarian systems too. There is also a 'commercial' model in step with globalization, where art appreciation can be defined as a phenomenon of mass culture and 'generic dissemination'. In this latter case the arts are frequently turned into something 'cool' and trendy, and presented as a product for mass consumption, often in the 'global village', rather than as a means of furthering the interests of education. On the other hand, advertising is commonly considered as a form of artistic expression, and may be included in the process of education. This is a purely experimental exercise, unrelated to any job commissioned by clients and therefore allowing us more scope for conducting our experiment.We will try out a comparative analysis of both art and advertising, in order to give qualitative researchers a new tool, useful in analysing art as a social phenomenon, and advertising as an artistic expression.

Luigi Toiati


This is a long description of some author details.

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