Supercharge your CSR Marketing Strategy

Date of publication: October 1, 2024

Catalogue: Congress 2024


Orange has embarked on an innovative journey to further its CSR marketing strategy, with a particular focus on significantly reducing its carbon footprint as part of its ?Lead the Future? plan. Thanks to the strategic integration of GenAI persona bots, Orange is redefining the way it accelerates consumer response within the development of CSR offers and initiatives. At the heart of Orange's marketing positioning strategy is customer satisfaction, to which responding to targeted issues is vital. To adequately address environmental concerns, Orange has established an agile structure known as the Low Carbon Offer Incubator. This structure is based on nurturing low-carbon business ideas that perfectly blend business objectives with low-emission goals. The integration of GenAI persona bots into this programme has opened a new wave of opportunities for Orange. These GenAI persona bots provide the Orange team with instant feedback, allowing them to refine and optimise their initiatives towards those that promise good potential impact. They also offer a segmented view of market acceptance. These GenAI persona bots are part of the decision process, along with other factors (such as financial costs and production accessibility, etc.) and play a role in developing initiatives to meet the distinct needs of different customer segments.

Mathilde Guinaudeau


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Benoit Hubert


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Jean Christophe Desbouvries


This is a long description of some author details.

Stefania Simion


This is a long description of some author details.

Isabelle Herbert Collet


This is a long description of some author details.

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