Sustainable motivation

Date of publication: May 11, 2004

Author: John Barzilay


The paper will challenge UNEP's point of view, as verbalized by Havermans (2003), that the struggle to enhance environmental consciousness among consumers has been too much focussed on arousing their feelings of guilt. Moreover, it will be questioned whether sustainable motivation as such could be instituted as the key driver for consumptive behaviour and attitudes. The state of art of sustainable attitudes and behaviour is discussed, and a conceptual framework is given against which the different expressions of sustainable motivation will be outlined. In this respect the underestimated impact of people's behavioural dualism in either acting as citizen or as consumer will be illustrated. Next, methods to enhance, or, research to measure propensity to take action will be discussed briefly, food for thought is tabled and some closing remarks are being made.

John Barzilay


This is a long description of some author details.

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