The "brand image" of the German voter

Date of publication: June 15, 1959

Author: Peter Schmitt


In the beginning it might be appropriate to comment briefly on the title and topic of my paper. "Brand Image" is a concept very common in advertising arid consumer research. In connection with the "German Voter" it would, in the very strict sense, possibly imply that voters are something you can buy when elections come around. This is:certainly hot the type of thing I would like to talk about. Somewhat less strictly defined, the term "brand image" points at the fact that I am interested in the German electorate as a whole. In other words; I will try to give an overall picture of what these, 55 million people are like who, in a period of 4 years, go to' the polls once, twice, and even three times. The essential question of this paper - and a very crucial one indeed - can be put this way; Are the Germans democrats?

Peter Schmitt


This is a long description of some author details.

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