The central Adlab experience with single source data

Author: John Parfitt


The AdLab Panel was set up in the Central TV area of England in September 1985 after a pilot study. By June 1987 it had been running for 21 months. The experience of the first year’s operations is contained within the attached summary paper. This experience suggests : a) Panel members are able to handle the amount of data required of them, ie both purchasing and media exposure data without evident reporting fatigue or abnormal drop-out or reporting rates. b) The data relates closely to that supplied from industry sources, eg product purchasing, TV viewing and readership. c) The analysis of the results provides new and useful data on the sales affects of advertising and on more precise media schcduling. The presentation of the results will examine the evidence for these conclusions both from the original paper and from further analyses in the second year of the Panel.

John Parfitt


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