The future of forecasting is here

Date of publication: September 15, 2010


Author: Lee Markowitz


At the 2002 ESOMAR Congress, a paper entitled The Future of Simulated Test Markets (by Joseph Willke, ACNielsen BASES) made predictions about what life would be like in 2010 and the implications for STM models. 2010 is here, and it is the perfect time to re-visit the predictions of 2002 and to develop new ones. The 2010 paper will identify which predictions came true, which did not, and which were missed, along with the reasons why. The current paper will explore new forecasting needs that have emerged based on interviews with market researchers at leading CPG companies and then make predictions about how forecasting will evolve over the next five years.

Lee Markowitz


This is a long description of some author details.

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