The mass media and social change

Date of publication: June 15, 1974


Since 1972, the Center of Advanced Communications of Havas Conseil France has been leading theoretical and experimental researches on life style factors whose influence can be noticed on the evolution of our society, our motivations and our attitudes. The beginning of this research were entirely empiric, based on new methods of psychological diagnostics and their practical applications. A second stage enabled us to validate and synthesise these first hypothesis by systematic experimentation. More recently, we have been working on a twin research project which was based on: 1. A theoretical reflexion on the phenomena of life styles, their influence, and their manifestations and ii) a study of practical methods for the exploitation of these phenomena applied to mobile marketing and market forecasting. The objectives of this research are an on-going permanent observation of our changing environment, with sectorial diagnostics and regular interventions for innovation.

Bernard Cathelat


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Mike Burke


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