The market research industry is at the forefront of understanding the changes consumers and companies are going through during these unprecedented times. Many studies and data analyses have been carried out by many research organizations around the world and Romania is no exception.
Join us in a three days' event series organized by SORMA, the Romanian Market Research Association, in partnership with ESOMAR, aiming at better equipping clients activating on the Romanian market in responding adequately to the old and new consumer needs:
- How have they reacted, attitudinally and behaviourally to the sanitary and the economic crises?
- What are the resilient behaviours? What has not changed?
- Which are the new consumer expectations towards companies nowadays?
Agenda of the day:
Welcome: Alina Serbanica, SORMA President and ESOMAR representative for Romania
Introduction: We all communicate but few establish relationships. Is "Simple but memorable communication is a real art" still relevant?- Loredana Iacob, Moderator and Session Chair
Searching for the right balance between old and new in communication. How can brands remain familiar while forced into renewal in uncertain times- Veronica Ungureanu, Creative Excellence Leader, Ipsos Romania, presentation language: Romanian
Tune in to roar out- Andra Constantinescu, Creative Domain Lead, Insights Division, Kantar, presentation language: Romanian
Marketing after COVID. Next 12 months!- Victor Rotariu, Head of Strategy, Insights, Content, WaveMaker, GroupM, presentation language: Romanian
Panel discussion (Romanian): What are the challenges of brands but also of market research agencies to adapt to The New Rules of Advertising and Branding in the post-Covid era?