The pessimism with technology

Date of publication: June 15, 1982

Author: Claus Merbold


Based on systematic typology analyses, seven clearly defined types of attitudes towards technology today and in the future were elaborated. A negative attitude towards technology is not an attitude that is widely distributed. Individual groups display it in varying forms, with the number of technology promoters (today still) being greater than the number of technology detractors. But the promoters show diverse insecurities, nagging doubts and prejudices. These result mostly on the basis of insufficient information - in misunderstandings and uneasiness all the way to fear. As a consequence, the promoters of technology need to do two things: They must make themselves better understood than they were in the past in order to make technology more transparent for most people. Two recently conducted advertising campaigns will exemplify how the discussion and the dialogue with wide sections of the population can be taken up again to preclude any worsening of the attitude towards technology.

Claus Merbold


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