The Un-Futuristic Future of Vehicles in Latin America

Date of publication: April 24, 2024

Catalogue: Latin America 2024


Making the decision to conduct a syndicated study on one of the most popular generations in the history of marketing was no easy task. We didn?t know the impact this project would have, as it pertained a generation that was buzzing everywhere and that seemed to have already brought up the most relevant insights and findings about it to light. However, the main reason that prompted us to take the risk of trying to get a new perspective on this generation was the fact that we, as Latin Americans, knew that there was a story that had not been told from all angles. Major research has been done around the new "it" generation, but most of the media's depiction of youth is overly based on the US way of life with little-to-none honest representations of Latin American teenagers: LATAM's Gen Z-ers are not truly represented by Zendaya's performance in Euphoria, nor by an outraged Greta Thunberg on X (formerly Twitter).

Ana Paola Rodriguez Perez


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Rafael Delgado Calleros


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