This paper will be presented by Yo! (Youth Opinion International). With contributions from CWA Ltd (UK); the Institut de l' Enfant (France) and Research Data Inc (USA). The paper will draw upon a long history of child and youth research in our respective domestic markets and the wider international arena. (Our specialism in child and youth research and international collaboration dates back to the 70s.) We have also included some key findings from our joint quantitative study, which was set up with the specific purpose of gathering fresh information for presentation in the paper. Certain international brands, which have become either Youth Icons in their own right (e.g. Levi's jeans) or epitomize the Youth Culture (e.g. 7 Up's Fido Dido), will also be cited as examples of the case for developing a Global Youth Strategy. As the title suggests, the emphasis of the paper will be on youngsters in their teen years (i.e. 13-19) and will be divided into three parts.