To see or not to see

Date of publication: November 11, 1996

Author: Kate Lynch


The outdoor medium will soon be the only mass reach broadcast medium. Until recently we have had very little data with which to compare the quality of one site against another or to understand how different types of contacts work both against different audiences and for different messages. Media buyers have to make cost-effective inter-site decisions whilst planners need to understand what differentiated consumer groups absorb from different forms of outdoor media and, more importantly, which type of message lends itself to those various forms of outdoor. Art directors and copy writers have to create poster advertisements which will attract the maximum of attention from consumers. This paper will provide the audience with an understanding of the existing industry research available and insights from proprietary research undertaken on behalf of Leo Burnett in 1996 regarding the visual impact of different types of creative work.

Kate Lynch


This is a long description of some author details.

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