Towards widening the range of concepts used in creative strategies

Author: Tony Twyman


The argument put forward in this paper and illustrated by examples is that the language in which advertising is discussed and the way in which research methods are often used all tend towards emphasising a limited range of advertising strategies, the factual verbal and logical approaches. It is not suggested that this is the inevitable outcome of current research and thinking, only that in practice it often occurs because it is the way research leads when used mechanically or under time pressures. Some suggestions are made as to the kinds of possible advertising strategy where despite occasional references, there is insufficient discussion, demonstration, and research measurement. It is suggested that the situation can be improved by initiating discussion of some of these areas. In particular, discussion is invited as to how research can contribute to their demonstration. The particular areas highlighted are advertising effects on current brand users, the interaction of an advertisement with other advertising, the use of non-verbal, non-rational approaches to communication, and the relevance of getting attention and arousing interest.

Tony Twyman


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