Wee yet mighty: Latin America's kids

Date of publication: April 18, 2004



Children are direct consumers of a series of products, in addition to influencing the purchase of certain products and services consumed in their homes. The influence they exert or their consumption habits are not identical across the different countries of the region. The degree of influence recorded in each country depends on the type of products purchased as well as on children's sex, age and socio-economic level. The role children play as consumers is by no means limited to their 'pester power'. They have money and purchase a series of products. The amounts they receive, what they can do with this money and what they choose to do with it also evidence important differences throughout the countries of the region, and in turn, in each of these countries, sex, age and socio-economic level also determine significant differences. In order to fully grasp the importance of these differences children's consumption is analyzed within the context of their family structures, behaviors and attitudes. Special attention is paid to the children of Argentina and Mexico who are evidenced as the most paradigmatic.

Mónica La Madrid


This is a long description of some author details.

Telma Urich


This is a long description of some author details.

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