Breaking through the communication barriers


I will leave to your own historians a summary of the contribution market research has made and confine my remarks to the contribution market research can make. In my opinion your most important contribution can be summed up in a single word, and that word is classification. Wo do not have an understanding of how advertising works, and a principal reason is that we do not have a classification of the basic stops in the advertising process. The five stages in the commercial communication process previously discussed is only a feeble beginning. The advertising process should be divided and sub-divided into its logical component parts. A comprehension of structure is necessary before we can comprehend function, or the interrelationships of the working parts.

Russell H. Colley


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Research Papers

Research Papers

Breaking down barriers

Catalogue: Congress 2006: Foresight

Author: Peter Hutton


September 17, 2006

Research Papers

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