Consumer direct mail

Date of publication: June 15, 1995


This paper sets out to demonstrate the effectiveness of consumer direct mail in Great Britain, illustrated by its rapid growth rate and increasing share of advertising expenditure. The importance of direct mail, both now and as an advertising medium of the future, has been influenced by better targeting through individual lifestyle analysis. It also meets the demands of the marketer of the nineties, being very cost-efficient, flexible and more measurable that other forms of media. There are various ways of measuring the effectiveness of consumer direct mail, including the traditional direct response device. One of the most accurate methods is through research which is gathered on a continuous basis by RSGB's Mailmonitor panel survey. The RSGB Mailmonitor panel monitors the volume, targeting and the response of all consumer direct mail campaigns in Great Britain and provides a valuable insight into trends, both for the industry as a whole and for individual campaigns.

Fiona Bell


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Nick Francis


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