The demands of cost containment, government budget restrictions and increasingly knowledgeable and demanding patients in the hospital environment are widely recognised. In order for suppliers to the hospital sector to provide optimum products and services at reasonable cost levels, detailed and up-to-date information is required. It is also recognised that information from the hospital sector is less robust in some areas. In order to meet some of these information needs Pharma Strategy Group has developed a market research protocol for Ethicon EndoSurgery Europe (a division of Johnson & Johnson) to evaluate activities in the hospital operating theatre environment in four major European markets: France, Germany, Italy and United Kingdom. The challenge of the research was to conduct market research in a complex and busy environment and to collect a large volume of data to provide accurate and timely results for Ethicon Endo-Surgery and for other interested companies. In a second step, the scope of the data which must be collected is essential for medical device companies in particular. This paper will address the challenges involved with filling information gaps in the hospital environment and the solutions derived to meet these objectives.
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Company: Forcier Consulting
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